Saturday 1 April 2017

Alat pengering padi atau gabah

Kondisi cuaca di mt1 membuat kesulitan untuk menyimpan gabah dalam keadaan kering.Solusinya adalah dengan membuat alat pengering sederhana.
Bak penampungan gabah terbuat dari plat bisa juga dibuat dari bata atau tembok dan penyaring dari anyaman bambu.

Temperature kerja cukup 40 °C


From my boss n friend Irawan Budi S

Cancer..... this fucking sickness killed many people I love, but.... it will be a small request that does not lead to remove some friends from my list. Considering that I have a personal interest in the effects of cancer, I want to see who reads and who shares without reading! If you have read everything, select "like", so I can thank you on your profile. I know a big part of you won't do this, but my real friends do it. Please, for someone who died, or has cancer, or even had cancer. Everyone says: "if you need anything, don't hesitate, I'll be there for you"..., so I'm going to make a bet, without being pessimistic, I would like to know who of my friends and my family make it on your timeline on FB. You have to copy and paste (not share)!!! I want to know who I can count on... and I'm sure that number is less than 25. Write "done" in comments when you do it! This is the month in order to raise awareness of this disease. I did it for yourself and someone special! We all know someone who fought against this disease, or that he was struggling with her now. Thank you. Copy and paste... do not share